Saturday, December 1, 2012

A New Look, and Erskine's Gospel Sonnets

In honor of my poem-writing daughter who has just given "Taste-That-Which-Is-Good" a nice new look, I'm posting a preface from what has been a very encouraging book of poem.  I began my year with this book in hand, and I hope, now, by the grace of God to end the year once again looking deep into Ralph Erskines, Gospel Sonnets.

So below the Preface:

The Believer's Espousals:
Upon Isaiah liv. 5. Thy Maker is thy husband.

HARK, dying mortal, if the Sonnet prove
A song of living and immortal love,
'Tis then thy grand concern the theme to know.,
If life and immortality be so.
Are eyes to read, or ears to hear a trust ?
Shall both in death be cramn'd anon with dust ?
Then trifle not to.please thine ear and eye,
But read thou, hear thou, for eternity.
Pursue not shadows wing'd, but be thy chase,
The God of glory on the field of grace:
The mighty hunter's name is lost and vain,
That runs not this substantial prize to gain.
These humble lines assume no high pretence,
To please thy fancy, or allure thy sense:
But aim, if everlasting life's thy chase,
To clear thy mind, and warm thy heart through
A marriage so mysterious I proclaim, 
Betwixt two parties of such diff'rent fame,
That human tongues may blush their names to tell,
To wit, the Prince Of heav'n, the heir of hell
But, on so vast a subject, who can find
Words fitting the conceptions of his mind ?
Or, if our language with our thought could vie,
What mortal thought can raise itself so high
When words and thoughts both fail, may faith
Ascend, by climbing up the scripture-stair
From sacred writ theses strange espousals may
Be explicated in the foll'wing way. ............

And so I add (with apology):
Now find yourself a copy of Erskine's Gospel Song,
It may you by grace aid in pursuit of the home called Long.

Ahh - follow the link I place right HERE
Soon the Sonnets may in yourself enter to your own good cheer.
Not sure if you wish to buy
A partial copy online reposes HERE  free to your eye.


Sarah Gracen said...

Thanks dad I enjoyed doing it loved your poem :)
Your Daughter
Poem Girl

Ani said...

I really like your new header!

Scott said...

Thanks. PG has some artistic talent - me not so much.