Friday, March 11, 2011

Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacrae

At the right I have added a new collection of links accessing the works of Samuel T. Bloomfield.

Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacrae by Samuel T. Bloomfield described as:

"Bloomfield's Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacrae is a Critical Digest commentary of collected notes Synoptically Arranged and Annotated in all the books of the New Testament. It is a massive labor and filled with classical references and original annotations. Many years in preparation and the basis of his later Greek New Testament Commentary in two volumes."

The above includes volume 9 which is Bloomfield's Greek and English Lexicon.

Plus Greek New Testament with English Notes by Samuel Bloomfield described as:
"Bloomfield's New Testament Commentary on the Greek Text based on patristic and classical sources. His previous Lexicon and his Recensio Synoptica in 8 vols is the basis of this commentary. He is always instructive and good hermeneutical source for older views on the text.mjm,2010."

I often consult Bloomfield's Greek New Testament. Many times he refers you to his larger work, the Recensio Synoptica. The links have been added to this blog in hopes that it will be for some a convenient reference.

From Wikipedia:

Samuel Thomas Bloomfield (1790–1869), English scholar and Biblical textual critic.

He was educated at Sidney College, Cambridge. Bloomfield published Recensio Synoptica, and doctrinal Annotations on the New Testament (in 8 volumes, 1826). He also edited a Greek and English lexicon to the New Testament, revised and enlarged from Robinson's lexicon (1829); a translation of Thucydides (3 volumes, 1829).

Bloomfield's Greek New Testament has been largely used, both in England and the United States.

I was originally directed to Bloomfield's works by a good friend who also pointed me to Spurgeon's Recommendation in Commenting and Commentaries. Spurgeon writes:

  1. BLOOMFIELD (S. T., D.D.) The Greek Testament, with English Notes; chiefly original. 2 vols., 8va. Lond., 1841 8/6 to 14/-
  2. " " Additional Annotations on the New Testament. 8vo. Lond., 1850. 2./6. We frequently get more from Bloomfield than from Alford, though he is not so fashionable. His notes are full of teaching.
  3. " " Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacrae; being a Critical Digest of the most important Annotations on the New Testament. 8 vols., 8va. Lond., 1826. 15/-to 21/-[A considerable part of this work was included in recent editions of the editor's Greek New Testament.] "It would be impossible to convey to our readers an adequate idea of the mass of information which the learned author has brought to bear upon the numerous passages which he has undertaken to illustrate, and we can safely say, that the enquirer will find very few of which Mr. Bloomfield has not given a complete and satisfactory exposition."


Jon Watson said...

You may be interested to see that Logos has both Recensio Synoptica Annotations Sacrae (9 vols.) and A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament by S. T. Bloomfield!

Scott said...

Thanks for pointing that out, I did not know.

I was confused seeing there was a place to "bid" on how much you want to pay for the book.

That's really good. Very good in fact as it makes accessible a work I'd often found difficult to access. It seemed that his work was rather remote from the present day student of the word but the information he had access to and cites in his work is even that much more remote.

Sometimes his interpretations might differ from what one would hope but it seems easy to tell his written formed conclusions from his pure dealings with the text and other writers ancient. There have been a few times where he takes a view contrary to the text when dealing with God's sovereignty in salvation. Bloomfield, emphazing more on the free will of man against the electing love of God. But still I wish I read him more not less.